
Allen Silver.

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Check 'em.


(Pictured: Ben Roethlisberger, quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers)

My latest job requires me to pass a golf course daily. Last week I was driving by, when I see a striking gentleman get out of his car. He was in his mid-forties, had a handsome head of blond buzzed hair, strong jaw, good lookin'. He was wearing standard summer golf apparel: shorts, sporty sports shirt, ect. His legs were strong, calves bulging. Nice. He had a bag of clubs slung over his shoulder.

And his feet? Bare. I kid you not. Shoes nowhere in sight.

Can you golf barefoot? I never really thought about it, but I had supposed it was against club rules. But there was this hot fucker, doing it anyway.

Been looking for this stud ever since, but so far no sightings.

Ah well...


Jason Statham

Jason Statham. There may be no hotter man in action movies right now. The boat photos below are from this years Cannes Film Festival. Damn cool, he is. And his date's a fuckin' hottie, too. I'd do 'em both!

lastone75@hotmail.com is so nasty I could marry the motherfucker.