

(Pictured: Ben Roethlisberger, quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers)

My latest job requires me to pass a golf course daily. Last week I was driving by, when I see a striking gentleman get out of his car. He was in his mid-forties, had a handsome head of blond buzzed hair, strong jaw, good lookin'. He was wearing standard summer golf apparel: shorts, sporty sports shirt, ect. His legs were strong, calves bulging. Nice. He had a bag of clubs slung over his shoulder.

And his feet? Bare. I kid you not. Shoes nowhere in sight.

Can you golf barefoot? I never really thought about it, but I had supposed it was against club rules. But there was this hot fucker, doing it anyway.

Been looking for this stud ever since, but so far no sightings.

Ah well...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like those unexpected sightings in unusual places.