

To see more of Ricardo and hit HOT feet, you can visit his Flickr stream HERE!


Anonymous said...

Ricardo is a sexy barefoot stud!!!

RICARDO said...

I'm Ricardo, thanks for the comment and for the pleasure of seeing my photos on your page.

OBG said...

Ricardo! Hey! I'm glad you reached out to me. Do you have a homepage or anything with more of your photos that I could link back to? I'd love to put a link in this posting so your admirers can see more of ya.

Ricardo de México said...

You have my photos link to my feet and feet of other men I know, I'm from Mexico and my site is in http://www.flickr.com/photos/ricardovicman/
Thank you very much for such good material you post OBG, Greetings.

OBG said...

DONE! Added a link to this post and a link to our blog role. Thank you so much, Sexy Ricardo!